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  • The Development Direction of China's Auto Parts Technology
    发布者:dazhikeji 发布时间:2022/12/15 20:01:37 阅读:70

    Now the technological progress of automobile parts is not simply reflected in the improvement of product performance, but more reflected in the arrangement and combination of many parts. From the perspective of the technology sources of the auto parts industry, some technologies come from within the industry and many technologies come from outside the industry. For example, the penetration of digital and electronic technologies into the auto parts industry has greatly changed the traditional understanding that auto parts are mainly mechanical structural parts. The integration of auto parts technology is mainly manifested in two aspects, one is the modularization of parts, the other is the penetration of new materials and new technologies.

    1、 Modularization of automobile parts

    Modularization is the combination of parts and subsystems. It refers to the combination of parts and systems into a highly integrated large component with multiple functions. Take Delphi's modular door as an example. It integrates multiple subsystems and components such as electric windows, anti-theft, rear-view mirror adjustment, lights, side airbags, and audio. Modularization not only undertakes part of the design and manufacturing responsibilities, but also reduces the cost burden of vehicle manufacturers, making vehicle manufacturers more focused on improving vehicle performance.

    At present, Volkswagen, Delphi, Toyota and other companies are doing better in modularization. Modular system development and supply will also be the development trend of auto parts. Therefore, our country should also speed up the research and development on the modularization of automobile parts to support the whole vehicle in more aspects. At present, Passat produced by the third factory of Shanghai Volkswagen has taken the lead in realizing modular assembly, forming four major modules - door, cab, powertrain and front wall module. Each module has corresponding detection after assembly, ensuring the system reliability of electrical and mechanical functions.

    2、 Penetration of new materials and new power technologies

    From the aspect of material science, the impact of new materials on auto parts is undoubtedly huge. The use of new materials will further improve the mechanical properties of parts, the lightweight of the whole vehicle, and the safety and reliability of the whole vehicle. For example, improve the strength and toughness of automobile structural materials to make them more solid and reliable. In the event of a crash, rollover and other traffic accidents, it can minimize the degree of damage and ensure the safety of personnel. The lightweight of parts can not only save energy and reduce emissions, but also improve the performance of the vehicle.

    In terms of new power technology, the depletion of traditional energy will certainly promote the development of new energy technology. The current new energy power technology is also a hot topic recently. With the launch of China's New Energy Vehicle Plan, the "Electric Vehicle Industry Alliance" composed of 16 central enterprises and the "Sustainable New Energy International Alliance" composed of 6 Chinese and foreign enterprises, including IBM, Eaton and Foton, have been established successively. The new energy power technology will certainly have a long-term significant impact on the automotive industry.

    With energy conservation, low-carbon, environmental protection and safety becoming the main trend of automobile development, the major parts enterprises in the world have shifted their focus from large-scale effects to arming the automobile industry with new technologies, new materials, new processes and other new technologies. China's spare parts should also constantly develop new products in key areas such as new technologies, new materials and new processes to seize the commanding heights of competition.


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