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  • The export market of heavy trucks in Africa is in a prosperous stage
    发布者:dazhikeji 发布时间:2022/12/15 20:02:00 阅读:78

    Since this year, there has been turmoil in some parts of the world, and the most obvious and greatest impact has been on North Africa and the Middle East. These regions happen to have key regions for China's commercial vehicle export. The reporter of Commercial Vehicle News learned that, due to different key markets, the truck enterprises are affected by the turmoil to different degrees, so the export situation of the African market of each enterprise is different from January to May.

    Relevant personnel of Shaanxi Automobile Import and Export Corporation told the reporter The rest of Libya has little impact. " In addition, Shaanxi Automobile is also actively exploring other African markets, such as most regions in Central Africa and Southern Africa. Shaanxi Automobile has exports in Africa, Central Asia and the Commonwealth of Independent States of Eastern Europe. Africa is its traditional market, and its export business is mainly concentrated in North Africa. Algeria's export business accounts for 70% of China's overseas exports. The products exported include heavy trucks, engineering vehicles, etc. The marketing model covers the establishment of offices, the development of independent and non independent dealers and other forms.

    Valin's key markets in Africa are mainly concentrated in Algeria, Morocco, Egypt, Libya and other North African regions, which are in continuous turmoil. Therefore, Africa's exports this year are greatly affected. Wang Sheng, Sales Manager of Overseas Business Department of Anhui Valin Automobile Co., Ltd. "The export situation of Valin in Black Africa (sub Saharan Africa, where the population is mainly black), such as Angola and Congo, is similar to that of last year, but the overall African market is not very good. At present, the overseas business of Beiben covers Africa, the Middle East and Southeast Asia, among which Africa and China's surrounding countries (such as Mongolia near Inner Mongolia) are the main export markets of Beiben.

    "The main sales models of Beiben Heavy Truck in Africa are mainly high-power dump trucks and tractors, which are mainly sold through local dealers." Gao Lei, Business Department IV of Beiben Heavy Truck International Trade Company, told the reporter of Commercial Automobile News. When domestic trucks are exported to Africa, they should make corresponding improvements in adaptability according to local characteristics. "For example, Central Africa is in the tropical region, so we need to make corresponding adjustments in engine performance, air conditioning and materials. We have launched a 'hot zone version' product for Central Africa." The person added.

    Valin is also developing markets in other regions of Africa, such as Senegal and Mali. However, compared with South Africa, Algeria and other countries, the economies of these regions are lagging behind and developing slowly, with small market shares, mostly small orders for two or four vehicles. "Algeria and other traditional markets have their own foundation, and there are many old customers. Orders are generally large, like Algeria's orders are generally 30~100 vehicles." Wang Sheng said. "Valin is not expecting a good export in Africa this year. In July and August, we may go to the overseas market there to find out the local situation, especially the local dealers, and then make corresponding countermeasures according to the situation, such as giving some policy support to dealers." Wang Sheng said.


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